Making ’em like they used to
Hello Darren
I wanted to reach out to say I just had a refresh on my bike. Every mechanic tells me I ride my stuff hard.
I just picked it up and rode home and I still love this bike more and more. Your craft and skill shows through with every pedal stroke and the feel of the material and geometry is buttery smooth and quick!
So just a fully satisfied customer after 7 years and 14,795 miles, my baby is still ripping and producing endorphins!

Hello Darren
I wanted to reach out to say I just had a refresh on my bike. Every mechanic tells me I ride my stuff hard.
I just picked it up and rode home and I still love this bike more and more. Your craft and skill shows through with every pedal stroke and the feel of the material and geometry is buttery smooth and quick!
So just a fully satisfied customer after 7 years and 14,795 miles, my baby is still ripping and producing endorphins!

I put over 1700 kms in last month, really enjoying "my Crisp"!
"Our" bike still rides great (of course) and still gets "wow's" (ditto).
And 221 km on your frame is a breeze. I think I really feel best after 150 km! 🙂

Last weekend, I clipped in for the first time. And from the very first turn of the crank, I literally exclaimed: Oh! It was such a revelation. I've never ridden anything that felt just right from the get go. The fit was perfect. There was no need to get used to the bike. Everything was just spot on. Perfetto!

Am still stunned by today’s ride! 200km and feel like having gone round the corner to buy the newspaper. And made some gravel too! Definitely worth the wait!!

It has been a while since I said hello.
Met 2 buddies this am went out and got 80kms.
I have just given my baby a clean .
I am liking the bike more as time goes by .
You absolutely make a stunning bike!!